Logical questions in the form of riddles are common during puzzle focused interviews. Three ants are sitting at the three corners of an equilateral triangle.

Find out the minimum number of races to be conducted in order to determine the fastest three.

Puzzle questions asked in interview.

Ask a question. Four people need to cross a rickety bridge at night unfortunately they have only one torch and the bridge is too dangerous to cross without one. Ant and triangle problem. We have kept this topic as an optional topic which you can keep solving when you are feeling. With these types of logical questions the correct answer is often not the most important aspect. We thus have compiled a list of ten common interview puzzles to help you in your fresher job interview.

Puzzles are usually asked to see how you go about solving a tricky problem. This puzzle tests interviewee s approach to solving the problem. But when you come to product based companies. Four people on a rickety bridge question. Puzzles riddles logical questions and lateral thinking questions are important part of any selection process for a job interview. The interviewer asks these types of questions to assess your ability to think creatively problem solve with unique approaches and use your critical thinking skills to find ways to create solutions.

You can check how good you are by answering these top 10 interview puzzles. Solving 100 puzzles by looking at their answers wont do any good to you it s important that. We present here a list of most common interview puzzles with answers which are normally asked by. Puzzle 1 find the faulty coin you have ten stacks of ten coins each and each of them weighs 10 gm. Some of the most common logical and analytical puzzles asked in an interview are. Let me warn you upfront.

Most companies avoid asking it because most puzzles hinge on a single trick which can be easily missed by a person when he is having a bad or nervous day. Each ant starts randomly picks a direction and starts to move along the edge of the triangle. What is the probability that none of the ants collide. This is one of the most common interview puzzles asked by analytics interviewers. These types of questions present a riddle that you are supposed to answer. Puzzle questions and answers for bank exams 10 standard puzzle questions asked in interview puzzle questions and answers pdf.

Now how can you ace it. Puzzles let them test your lateral thinking and help them filter out those who can solve real world problems. In most of the programming and management interviews puzzles are the key to check iq and problem solving skill of candidates so nowadays most of the interviewers uses puzzles as an attempt to gauge your ability and approach to solving problems. Technical interviews questions in service oriented companies are not a part of the puzzle gang. Anyhow puzzles are still in fashion and are quite fun to do as well. 25 horses 5 tracks puzzle.

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