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Test your survival skills and general knowledge with these tricky brain boosters.

Riddles you have to solve to stay alive.

Paws of death back on land. So be sure to watch these puzzles and trivia to improve your. In a survival situation the slightest error of judgement could cost you your life. 00 14 hard riddle to test your logic. You hear the blood chilling sounds of a vampire mad scientist and mutant animals all. But you can prepare yourself and know what to do in extreme situations.

It s life you can never know what s going to happen next. Can you solve them all to stay alive. Head above water imagine you re trapped in a room and it s slowly filling with water. You hear an almighty smash as the plane s windscreen hits the. Be amazed at these riddles you must solve. July 2 2019 by alannah.

But before you pull one lever you have to think carefully and weigh the options. From amazing survival hacks to absurd scenarios here are some survival riddles you must solve to stay alive. A faulty parachute now you decide to do a group skydive to celebrate not drowning. For the ultimate test of your ability to think logically join me now on a journey through 10 survival riddles you must solve to stay alive. Sometimes we have to face unexpected situations. I can give you a.

It s a beautiful sunny day and you re whistling as you walk. You re running down a corridor with three doors looming ahead of you. Suddenly one of the plane s engines explodes and you re sent plummeting into the rainforest below. These riddles will speed up your brain and help you increase your survival skills. If you want to. Can you defeat these ten riddles that you must.

You re on a plane cruising above the amazon rainforest. A number of stu. You re out for a stroll in the great outdoors. This hard riddle will challenge your logical thinking and survival skills by forcing you to choose the only safe way that can lead you to freedom. 7 tricky riddles you have to solve to stay alive. Leave content ideas in the comments below.

You have to solve these 11 dangerous riddles to stay alive. Test your general knowledge with these hard choice riddles. Test your survival skills with a set of 7 tricky riddles. Deadly venom sadly your animal troubles are far from over and on another one of your eventful strolls you get bitten by.

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