Can you use math to get you and your friends over the bridge before the zombies arrive. Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea.

Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn t so smart either but now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant zombies fast.

Solve the bridge riddle.

The lab is situated on a distant island which is connected to the land through only an old bridge. Across an old rope bridge spanning a massive gorge. Let s begin taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. But now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant. With you are the janitor the lab assistant. As it is so dark you should take a lamp with you to cross the bridge.

Each person can cross the bridge at a different rate. Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn t so smart either. The only way across to each town was by a long bridge with a guard post in the middle. You can move across in a minute while the lab assistant takes 2 minutes the janitor 5 minutes and the professor takes a whole 10 minutes respectively. Can you solve the bridge riddle. Can you solve the bridge riddle.

You can dash across in a minute while the lab assistant takes two minutes. Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. The janitor is a bit slower and needs five minutes and the professor takes a whole ten minutes holding onto the ropes every step of the way. The people have one flashlight which needs to be held by any group crossing the bridge because of how dark it is. Ted ed transcript text by alex gendler.

Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn t so smart either but now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant zombies fast. Can you solve the bridge riddle. One person takes 1 minute one person takes 2 minutes one takes 5 minutes and the one person takes 10 minutes. It took 20 minutes to cross the bridge from one side to the other and 10 minutes each way from the guards tower. Try the buried treasure riddle. But now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant zombies fast.

The bridge is rickety and can only support 2 people at a time. Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn t so smart either. Kidpid august 2 2018. Alex gendler 17 193 906 views 80 533 questions answered ted ed animation. You ve gotten a headstart but there s only one way to safety.

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