What gets shorter as it gets older. How do you get out.

I am greater than god more evil than the devil the poor have me the rich don t and if you eat me you ll die.

Top riddles of all time.

He stayed two nights and left on friday. We sigh we laugh we frown while we hope that the next one will be the one. What gets wetter the more you dry. How could that be. They re in a set of triplets. A man on one side of the world is walking a tight rope.

The more it dries the wetter it becomes. A cowboy rode to an inn on friday. I am laced twice in eternity and always within sight. What runs all around a backyard yet never moves. Imagine you are in a dark room. I am essential to creation and i surround every place.

What were they thinking. Two fathers and two sons come home from the mall. Put me in a bucket and i ll make it lighter. Riddle me this top 50 hardest riddles of all time. What has no beginning end or middle. You took two apples so you now have two of them.

How is this possible. What could i be. You are in the 2 nd place as you did not pass the person in the 1 st place. Answer key for the greatest riddles. We are trying to find the one who is the whole package. What has roots that no one sees and looms much taller than trees.

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy if i write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me 50 but if i cannot i will pay you 50. What place are you in now. They think the same thing at the same time. Yet when they arrive home only three people get out of the car. Riddle 4 it s red blue purple and green. We are four against the masses.

A man on the other side of the world is getting a blowjob from an old lady. All of them 8. Riddle 5 i am the beginning of the end and the end of time and space. Riddle 3 what always runs but never walks often murmurs never talks has a bed but never sleeps has a mouth but never eats. I am weightless but you can see me. What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner.

Up it goes but yet it never grows. You re in second place. No one can reach it not even the queen. The letter m 9. Best riddles of all time. There is no dirt in a hole or it wouldn t be a hole.

You didn t pass the person in first. You are running a race and pass the person in second place.

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