You have a large number of friends coming over and they all get thirsty. A woman shoots her husband and then holds him underwater for five minutes.

Your reaction thank you.

Good riddles to tell friends.

Latest clever riddles keep your mind busy while making it smarter. Riddles are a simple way to really irritate our friends. There is a single story blue house where everything is blue. What color is the carpet on the stairs in this house. A murderer is condemned to death. Well here s the list of funny yet clever riddles that will give you both a good laugh and deep thoughts to guess the answer.

You may find yourself testing your friends in no time. That quizzical look on their face them pleading for hints and on discovering that the answer was so simple threatening to end your friendship. Looking for some funny riddles to ask your friends. The man who invented it doesn t want it. The doors windows couch television kitchen etc. How is this possible.

The man who bought it doesn t need it. Which should you light first. And the third lions who haven t eaten in years. Two fathers and two sons walk into a candy store. The man who needs it doesn t know it. A gas stove a wood stove and a coal stove but only one match.

Your second friend asks for 1 4 a cup of water. There are no stairs it s a one story house. The first is full of raging fires. Which room is the. Your third friend asks for 1 8 a cup of water etc. Your first friend asks for 1 2 a cup of water.

They each buy something for 0 50 but they only spent 1 50. If nothing else they re great to share with your friends so you can sound super smart. The second assassins with loaded guns. Clever yet funny riddles for adults. Riddle me that riddle me this. He has to choose between three rooms.

If you re a fan of figuring out mental puzzles like me then check out these awesome riddles. You have three stoves. I always run but never walk i sometimes sing but cannot talk no head on which a hat to place you always look me in the face. Next she hangs him but right after they enjoy a nice dinner together.

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Interesting Quick Riddles With Answers To Ask Your Friends Fun Puzzles And

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5 Funny Riddles To Ask Your Friends 22 26 Jokes And Khan Academy

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Riddles Funny Easy Brain Teasers Jokes And Math Escape Room Puzzles

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