The room has only two possible exits. If a person takes care of them self i will go up even higher.

My pockets are empty but they still have something in it.

Tough english riddles.

The first two letters signify a male the first three letters signify a female the first four letters signify a great person while the entire word signifies a great woman. When you need me you throw me away. Slays king ruins town and beats mountain down the hobbit by j r r. You do not want me when you don t have me but when you have me you don t want to lose me. Gnaws iron bites steel. Funny riddles how do you make the number one disappear.

To some people i will fool them. Grinds hard stones to meal. What is the word. These were a mere drop in the endless ocean of riddles that test your wit tickle your funny bone. When you don t need me you bring me back. There are no stairs it s a one story house.

There are many riddles in english poetry as well which are a great amount of fun to solve. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. A woman shoots her husband and then holds him underwater for five minutes. How is this possible. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. A man is trapped in a room.

None as they are on a coconut tree and there are no mangoes there. What color is the carpet on the stairs in this house. Where do you bury the survivors. Who will get to eat the mango first. What english word retains the same pronunciation even after you take away four of its five letters. There is a single story blue house where everything is blue.

I am something people love or hate. Next she hangs him but right after they enjoy a nice dinner together. Before i end this write up the answer to the question i asked in the first paragraph is queue. A bird a monkey a cat and a squirrel have climbed up on a coconut tree. Birds beasts trees flowers. No matter how hard people try i will never go down.

What english word does the following. To others i am a mystery. 1000 hard riddles with answers. Hope you had fun. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. The write stuff i come from a mine and get surrounded by wood always.

This thing all things devours. The doors windows couch television kitchen etc. I am sure after reading through these riddles you would have traveled into the past. This is a great example of personification one of the main literary devices used in english literature. Some people might want to try and hide me but i will show. What word in the english language does the following.

Heroine a plane crashed between the border of canada and america. Through the second door there is a fire breathing dragon. The first two letters signify a male the first three letters signify a female the first four.

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